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Debonder, primer, accelerator and accessories

Home > Debonder, primer, accelerator and accessories

We produce a range of accessories for adhesives:

UnStick debonder to un-stick anything that has been bonded with most adhesives, specifically made for removing superglue / cyanoacrylate / cyano / ca glue this debonder will also remove most other adhesives

Cyano Activator / cyanoacrylate accelerator / superglue kicker Non whitening formula, spray onto any cyano / superglue / cyanoacrylate adhesive and the glue will instantly cure allowing you to increase the ability to fill gaps, unlike other activator / accelerator / kicker products this one will cause no whitening of the adhesive when set.

Foam safe activator, a high speed cyano kicker accelerator suitable for use on polystyrene foams and other sensitive surfaces, may cause slight whitening of bond, Click HERE for foam safe adhesives section

Kapow filler powder, use with a cyanoacrylate / cyano / superglue adhesive to build areas up, apply to area to be filled and apply cyano glue to instantly set the area, when set it has amazing structural properties giving very high strength repairs, it can be shaped after cure with files, glass paper etc and can be drilled and tapped etc

Plastic primer, to enable bonding of difficult plastics such as polyethylene, polypropylene , delrin and silicone etc , use with a CA adhesive such as clear`n`tuf , flexy cyano or one of our thin medium or thick cyano adhesives to give rapid bonds of any surface, also available with adhesive and kapow filler in our universal bonding pack  

Cyano removal wipes, cloths infused with a special fluid that gives quick and easy removal of all cyanoacrylates or superglues in just a few seconds.

We also have a range of other products, check out this section for spare caps and bottles, applicator nozzles and other adhesive related products, click HERE for applicator section